Custom Productions

Producing Your Ideas

Videos can be about anything that is important to you

Contact us with your project ideas.

Action Stories

Capturing Your Passion

  • Stories about your favorite passion or activity
  • Highly edited with music and graphics
  • Program length: 1 minute to over 5 minutes
  • Optional drones and action cameras
  • Action stories vary greatly, contact us for pricing

Mountain Bike with Dennis trailer

Interviews and action shots transport us to the trail where we too can experience Dennis’ passion of mountain biking.

Why I Run

60 seconds of various camera shots and scenic locations illustrate an inspirational poem.

Music Videos

  • Each project is custom
  • Optional drone and action camera
  • Highly edited

13 Stripes & 50 Stars  music video

A patriotic music video performed by Taylor Rae. This song has been played on country radio stations across the country.

Three Hearts Dancing music video

Three Hearts Dancing is an original song by Steve and Barb Vannoy about Steve’s mother moving out of her house that she’s lived in her entire adult life.

Photo/Video Montage

Sharing Your Memories

Great for digital photo albums, scrapbooks and yearbooks.

  • 4 to 5 minute visual montage with music
  • Engaging transitional edits
  • Your preferred musical style
  • Up to 80 photos (preselected & labeled)
  • Home video can also be included
  • Can include your voice recorded for narration

Photo/Video Montage of Little Hannah

This is a five minute photo and video montage with music of little Hannah from birth until her first Christmas.

Digital Yearbook  sample

This digital yearbook takes the viewer through some of the activities and events that the family participated in during the previous year.

Submission for Adoption Video

Families applying to adopt a child get to share an intimate view of themselves to prospective birth-moms.

  • Can include additional footage to the interview
  • Can include photos and home video
  • Edited with visual transitions & graphics
  • Includes music
  • Custom videos, contact for pricing

Submission for Adoption Video sample

This family used the video to show prospective birth mothers about their family and values. We’re thrilled to report they were successful in adding a little girl to their family!

Tribute Video

Don’t wait until it’s too late to tell someone how much they mean to you! Bring together multiple voices to describe how a person or couple has impacted you.

  • 4 to 6 minute visual montage with music
  • Highly edited
  • Up to 30 photos and/or home video
  • Delivered as link

Tribute Video sample

In this Tribute Video, different family members share fond memories and express how thankful they are for the values and character of Granddad and Grandma.


Steve and Barb Vannoy

Custom Production – Music Video

“From the initial discussions and brainstorming, to the design, implementation and ahead of schedule and budget completion, we always felt valued and cared for… and we always had fun.”

Scott Matthias

- Legacy Interview

“This fits in the category of a priceless gift. This will be a keepsake that can be saved and watched for generations!”

Dennis Demers

Custom Production – Action Story

“Visual Legacy Productions gives you the ability to look back and see yourself at your peak, in your element, exactly the way you picture it in your memories, and allows you to share those memories with others in an unparalleled way.”

"Tell Your Story" Process

A black and white icon of a web page.


Tell us your goals

Two speech bubbles with the letters q and a on them.


Answer questionnaire/Gather photos

A black and white silhouette of a clapper board on a white background.


Film & edit your video

A line drawing of an arrow pointing up in a square.


Share with your loved ones

Start the Process →
Filming locations within the Florida Space Coast area included in price. Contact for more information.
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