With hectic schedules pushed to new levels each year, many people are looking for ways to save time and money. It’s no surprise that more people are seeking alternatives like e-cards1 and generic Facebook posts. While over 2 billion Christmas cards were sent through the US mail years ago, that number is down 30%2. But an e-greeting can’t replace the stories and updates that you want to share.
The Good and the Bad
We all certainly remember good and bad newsletters. Some were boring, others like books, and some were too personal or brag-fests. Some newsletters however, we looked forward to each year. Clever writing, simple to read and understand, interesting snapshots, and photos you want to keep. The internet is filled with the do’s and don’ts of newsletter writing, but even still, not everyone is cut out for writing. And besides, we have smartphones full of photos to share. What about those? Instead of printing and mailing dozens of personal letters, there has to be a better way to match the technology and pace of life today.
What is a Digital Yearbook?
How does one blend the personal touch of a newsletter with the convenience of internet and the abundance of photos taken throughout the year? Make your newsletter digital! I like to call it a Digital Yearbook because it takes snapshots from your year and displays them in a logical but entertaining way. Photos tell your story and need only captions to bring them to life. Like a slideshow, home videos can be integrated as well to share your highlights. The benefit of this style is that it is not only able to be delivered as a link, but saved electronically. Music, transitions, and graphics make your family’s highlights engaging to watch. You don’t even have to make a Digital Yearbook yourself, as professionals can use what you give them to create your story for you. For a sample, click here.
The holiday season has always been a time of connecting with loved ones. While beautiful cards are a key part of my Christmas décor, photos and newsletters capture more personal interest. They tell the story of the past year. “Look how the kids have grown!” “Wow, he got a promotion!” “What a fascinating vacation!” Not everyone is on social media or shares a brief anecdote of their year. Well-written newsletters provided that. Now, a Digital Yearbook can take your story to the next level.